Monday, December 20, 2010

HR Trace in Apps HRMS

Setup & Instructions to Run - PYUPIP HR Trace in the Applications (Trace File and DBMS_PIPE) and PYUPIP Against Packages

Check to see if HR TRACE is already setup as an option off of the Toolbar.

Navigate from within your HR responsibility to the screen which is throwing your error.
Once in the screen ... go to ...

Tools> HR Trace

If the 'HR Trace' function is NOT there, continue with steps 1b - 1c
else, you are done with 'STEP ONE'

Create a function with the name of HR_DEBUG_TOOLS

As System Administrator responsibility navigate to
Application > Function

from the 'Description' Tab :
User Function Name = HR_DEBUG_TOOLS
Description = PYUPIP function

from the 'Properties' Tab :
Maintenance Mode Support = None
Context Dependence = Responsibility

Add nothing to the other Tabs: ie Form, Web HTML, Web Host, Region

save your changes

Add the 'HR_DEBUG_TOOLS' function to the navigation menu.

First find the defined Menu associated with the responsibility that the user
is using by navigating through the following steps:

As System Administrator responsibility navigate to
Security > Responsibility > Define > query the users responsibility

In the middle left of the Responsibilities form, make a note of the MENU being
called by this responsibility.

Once you know the Menu associated with the responsibility, then,
as System Administrator responsibility navigate to
Application > Menu

Query the menu that is tied to the responsibility.

Go to the last Seq (sequence) and add a new Seq (sequence) number.
Make sure you make the new Seq number much larger than the last Seq number
as HR Trace ( function HR_DEBUG_TOOLS ) should always be the last Seq number
for the menu.

Seq = your last Seq value + 200 (this should be a large enough gap)
Prompt = HR Trace
Description = PYUPIP

save your changes

STEP TWO - Running HR Trace / Trace File from within the applications

Change responsibilities and navigate to screen where error occurs ...
and before making 'any' changes to the data ... go to ...

Tools > HR Trace > and select the following options:

HR Trace = Trace File
PL/SQL Trace = None
Bind Variable Trace = yes ( check the 'Bind Variable Trace' box )

click OK

Perform the action on the screen that throws the error, answer OK to the error,
and then stop

Go to ...
Tools > HR Trace >
click on 'Write Info' button and make note of the trace file name

The trace file should have been written to the user_dump_dest location
defined in your database.

To find your user_dump_dest location run the following script in sqlplus.

set pagesize 1000
col name for a30
col value for a42
select name, value
from v$parameter
where UPPER(name) = UPPER('user_dump_dest')
order by name;

Go to user_dump_dest location, pull the trace file
and upload the PYUPIP trace file to the tar in metalink.

The step prior to the error thrown in this trace should be the package being run
when the error occured.
The output you read will be in the format of the 'proper name' of the package.
To find the 'sql' name for the package run the following script.

If the 'proper name' of the package read from the PYUPIP trace is
' per_accrual_calc_functions.Get_Carry_Over '
then you need to know the 'sql' name for the package 'per_accrual_calc_functions'.
To find the 'sql' name, run the following script from sqlplus.
When prompted, enter the 'proper name' of the package, in this case 'per_accrual_calc_functions'.

set pagesize 1000
select name, text
from all_source
where UPPER(name) like UPPER('%&NAME%')
and owner = 'APPS'
and text like '%$Header%'
order by name;

( example of script use )

SQL> set pagesize 1000
SQL> select name, text
2 from all_source
3 where UPPER(name) like UPPER('%&NAME%')
4 and owner = 'APPS'
5 and text like '%$Header%'
6 order by name;
Enter value for name: per_accrual_calc_functions
old 3: where UPPER(name) like UPPER('%&NAME%')
new 3: where UPPER(name) like UPPER('%per_accrual_calc_functions%')

/* $Header: peaclcal.pkh 115.10 2003/01/28 16:14:05 ptitoren ship $ */

/* $Header: peaclcal.pkb 115.35 2004/02/22 23:42:08 kjagadee ship $ */

Hence, the package body throwing the error would have been peaclcal.pkb
and we would want to run a PYUPIP trace against package peaclcal.pkb
to see what part of the code was throwing the error.

STEP THREE - Running PYUPIP against a package

3a. From UNIX - cd to where the package that is being executed is stored.
Such as the PTO Carry Over Process - $PAY_TOP/patch/110/sql>pyusptoa.pkb

Make a back up of the package using the 'cp' Unix command
cp pyusptoa.pkb pyusptoa.old

3b. After the first BEGIN statement add:

hr_utility.trace_on (null, 'enter a name')

hr_utility.trace_on (null, 'ORACLE')

Compile and save the package

To compile the package, execute the package from sqlplus and commit such as
SQL> @pyusptoa.pkb

SQL> commit;

3c. From UNIX - $PAY_TOP/bin (this is where the PYUPIP utility is stored) run PYUPIP

To run PYUPIP from Unix execute the following string


3d. Execute whatever process that runs your package either from the application
or from sqlplus.

Watch the unix screen and you will see the package being executed

3e. Be sure to turn PYUPIP off after you complete your trace OR
it will bring your database to its knees.

To turn off PYUPIP from sqlplus run the following

SQL> execute hr_utility.trace_off

3f. 'ctrl C' from the Unix prompt to kill your PYUPIP session

3g. Delete the modified PYUPIP package, rename the saved package back to the original name,
and recompile the old backed up package back to the database,
which will recompile the package with the PYUPIP trace statement now gone!!

a. delete the modified package with PYUPIP trace 'turned on' using the 'rm' command:
rm pyusptoa.pkb

b. rename your backed up package back to the original name using the 'cp' command:
cp pyusptoa.old pyusptoa.pkb

c. recompile the original package, with the PYUPIP trace statement gone, through sqlplus,
and commit:

SQL> @pyusptoa.pkb
SQL> commit;

Your PYUPIP trace output file ( from step 3c )should now tell you what section of the package code is
throwing the error, and this is what needs to be looked at.

STEP FOUR - Running HR Trace / DBMS_PIPE from within the applications

4a. Enter the form you are working with.
Perform the steps necessary to cause the error, but do not do the last step
that actually causes the error.

From the Toolbar select Tools > HR Trace

Select the DBMS_PIPE button under HR Trace.
In the Pipe field, is displayed a value like PIDxx.
Make a note of the PIDxx number.

Select OK to exit the Trace form. PYUPIP is now running on this form.

4b. Open a UNIX session and from your Home Directory execute the PYUPIP command.
$PAY_TOP/bin/PYUPIP apps/ PIDXXX > output.file

Where PIDxx is the PID number recorded and output.file is whatever name you want
for the log file to be named

PYUPIP apps/apps PID87 > PID87_01.txt

4c. Go back to the application and execute the error.

4d. Turn off HR Trace.
From the Tools Menu, select the HR Trace option.
Click the None button under HR Trace.
Click OK to turn off PYUPIP.

4e. Review log file to see where the error is occurring.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oracle: Opatch

Correct the oraInventory path in oraInst.loc file
$\> opatch apply -invPtrLoc

Debug the Run:
$\> opatch lsinventory OPATCH_DEBUG=TRUE

Register/Attach the OracleHome information to the existing Central Inventory using following command
$\> ./runInstaller -silent -attachHome ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_HOME_NAME=""

To get all OracleHomes registered in the Central Inventory. Which should include your OracleHome as one of the entry
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all

To get all installed components in the OracleHome set in the environment
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail

To get detailed log of the actions that occur during the pre-cloning and cloning operations.
$ORACLE_HOME/clone/logs/clone timestamp.log

To get information about errors that occur during the pre-cloning and cloning operations.
$ORACLE_HOME/clone/logs/error timestamp.log

To get Latest OPatch
Check for Patch 6880880